this is a mostly unfiltered archive of all the happenings in my second life which mostly compromises of running the art community region 'conejo island'

i started taking screenshots regularly around 2018, and by 2019 around when conejo was founded i was taking thousands of pictures

its a simple act of creative expression to me..something i can do easily and keep going no matter the life circumstances. i do also love to capture the beauty of second life and its inhabitants as well as document all the beautiful simple things about virtual communities that may get taken for granted and lost to time

my original diary spans 9 gigs, the pictures shared here are only from the moment i moved computers in 2023 forward. i may share those old photos sometime~but probably not through here

my avatar is called Waterfairy (often referred to as 'wafa') ..~shes a million year old interdimensional deity that made an interdimensional resort for magic fantasy whatever creatures of all kinds. i mainly roleplay as her but there are appearances of other avatars as well.

if you are curious about conejo, its best to visit in-world. the region name is easy to find, just type 'CONEJO ISLAND' on the map or search. im often busy with other projects & the casa conejo website doesnt reflect the most up to date information